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Piracy flightPlan

Flight Plans with a "Security Rating" of 4.

An integral part of the new Piracy system that was added into the game along with Game Update 16, these Tradable flight plans can be used to track wealthy convoys through hyperspace. Once the convoy's planned route is known, players can wait in ambush for the convoy and spring their trap, taking any bounty that they can lay their hands on.

Flight Plans need to be loaded into an Interdiction Burst Generator before the player can use the generator to trap convoys.

How to Obtain[]

  • The Flight Plans are randomly given to players who inspect Droid Interfaces using an Interface Scanner. The "Security Rating" of the Flight Plan (1 to 5) and the chance of one being found does seem to depend upon the Reverse engineering level of the Droid Interfaces used. The Security Rating effects the difficulty of the convoy that will spawn when the flight plans are used. All convoys feature Tier 5 ships, but higher Security Rated Flight Plans lead to convoy with more ships and, subsequently, more loot.
  • Since Game Update 16, they can be found sometimes in Crates of Components obtained upon completion of a Piracy event.

How to Use[]

  • After obtaining a Convoy Flight Plan, you need to obtain an Interdiction Burst Generator
  • From the radial menu on the Convoy Flight Plan, choose Encode Generator at which time the Convoy Flight Plan will be removed from your inventory
  • Examine the Interdiction Burst Generator to see Region where the convoy will be
  • If you're not already in space, launch your ship and, if needed, hyperspace to the indicated region
  • Once in the indicated region, from the radial menu on the Interdiction Burst Generator, choose Create Waypoint at which time a waypoint will be created some distance from you
  • Once you arrive at the waypoint, from the radial menu on the Interdiction Burst Generator, choose Deploy Generator at which time the generator will be removed from your inventory
  • The generator will appear off of your ship's bow in space and begin pulsating as it generates a gravity well to pull the convoy from hyperspace
  • After a short time, the convoy will appear and you can destroy it