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In the Beast Mastery system, you can unlock mutations through: Having a specific type of DNA type, Having the right colored enzymes in the right slots, and Having Real-Life luck (The stat is useless). Here's an example (A fanged Tiglon, the most common mutation):

DNA Template: Sand Panther (Includes Sludge Panthers and Razorcats)

Isomerase Enzyme Color in Slot #1: Green

Lyase Enzyme Color in Slot #2: Green

Isomerase Enzyme Color in Slot #3: Green

Hydrolase Enzyme: Colorless, so any Hydrolase Enzyme will work, but high mutagen potential will increase chance of a mutation.

Once you get the type 1 mutation(stat increase), repeat the above to get the type 2 mutation(appearance change).

List of Confirmed Type 1 Mutations[]

Type 1 mutations only increase stats. This list only shows Type 1 mutations that do not have a confirmed Type 2 mutation afterward.

Creature DNA Lyase Enzyme Isomerase Enzyme #1 Isomerase Enzyme #2
Kliknik Purple Dk Blue Dk Blue
Shear Mite Yellow Red Dk Blue
Squill Teal Green Yellow
Torton Dk Blue Red Dk Blue
Varactyl Teal Yellow Red
Woolamander Teal Dk Blue Teal
Gurk Purple Purple Teal
Gurreck Teal Teal Dk Blue
Angler Violet DK Blue Lt Blue

List of Confirmed Type 2 Mutations[]

Type 1 mutations, which increase stats, are now required to occur before a type 2 mutation, which changes appearance, will occur. Subsequently a type 3 mutation will only occur following a type 2 mutation, thus making a type 3 mutation the most difficult and rare mutation.

The color combos for type 1 and type 2 mutations are the same. The color combo changes after a type 2 mutation occurs, because a type 2 mutation changes the DNA. (i.e. The DNA is now a fanged tiglon, not a razor cat anymore.)

Here's a List of confirmed appearance change mutations*:

Appearance Mutation Lyase Enzyme Isomerase Enzyme #1 Isomerase Enzyme #2 Base DNA Template
Psychotic Jax Red Teal Purple Jax
Blistmok Purple Violet Green Blurgg
Boar Wolfcalfe Purple Red Green Boar Wolf
ChubaFly Dk Blue Orange Violet Chuba
Fanged Tiglon Green Green Green Sludge Panther (All), Razor Cat (All), Mired Marauder
Feathered Slice Hound Orange Teal Red Slice Hound
Co-Henpa Green Green Violet Cu-Pa
Horned Raptor Green Lt Blue Orange Kai Tok
Winged Quenker Purple Red Yellow Quenker
Rancor Violet DK Blue Lt Blue Angler
Spined Rancor Teal Orange Lt Blue Rancor (requires a type 1 mutation and a type 2 mutation)
Acklay Purple DK Blue DK Blue Kliknik (requires two type 1 mutations first then the type 2 mutation)

(*updated with Chapter 7.1 changes)
