a Rebel Commendation
Introduced with the Battle of Restuss, Commendations are items that can be earned by completing the quests given by Imperial and Rebel NPCs just outside of Restuss. Commendations are stackable, so no matter how many you have, they will only take up 1 spot in your inventory.
Note: Commendations are tradeable, but the armor and weapons purchased with them are not.
Once earned, Commendations can be used to purchase armor and weapons exclusively sold by the Commendations Officers.
Note: The Commendation Officer are also the one to speak to for obtaining your badge during Phase 3.
Green Crusader Mark III Armour
The stats, protection, and the amount of Commendations needed to purchase armor is the same for Imperials and Rebels. Rebels get Mark II armour, and Imperials Mark III. These come in a standard yellowish colour, but with a Crusader Armor Dye Kit can be coloured to white, black, red, blue or green. This armor can be deconstructed, leading to tradeability, but are biolinked to their original owner.
Crusader Mark II/III Belt[]
Cost: 300 Commendations
Level Required: 75
Armor type: Battle
Stat Modifiers:
- Constitution +18
- Luck +6
- Precision +12
- Strength +12
Notes: This item is No-Trade
Crusader Mark II/III Bicep[]
Cost: 500 Commendations (sold as a pair)
Level Required: 75
Armor type: Battle
Stat Modifiers:
- Constitution +18
- Luck +6
- Precision +12
- Strength +12
Notes: This item is No-Trade
Crusader Mark II/III Boots[]
Cost: 500 Commendations
Level Required: 75
Armor type: Battle
Stat Modifiers:
![Reb Restuss Boots](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/swg/images/e/ef/Reb_Restuss_Boots.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/91?cb=20080612142656)
Crusader Mark II Boots
- Constitution +18
- Luck +6
- Precision +12
- Strength +12
Notes: This item is No-Trade
Crusader Mark II/III Bracer[]
Crusader Mark II Left Bracer
Crusader Mark II Right Bracer
Cost: 500 Commendations (sold as a pair)
Level Required: 75
Armor type: Battle
Stat Modifiers:
- Constitution +18
- Luck +6
- Precision +12
- Strength +12
Notes: This item is No-Trade
Crusader Mark II/III Chest Plate[]
Cost: 1000 Commendations
Level Required: 75
Armor type: Battle
Stat Modifiers:
![Chest Rebel Restuss](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/swg/images/f/f7/Chest_Rebel_Restuss.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/91?cb=20080612143441)
Crusader Mark II Chestplate
- Constitution +18
- Luck +6
- Precision +12
- Strength +12
Notes: This item is No-Trade
Crusader Mark II/III Gloves[]
Cost: 300 Commendations
Level Required: 75
Armor type: Battle
Stat Modifiers:
- Constitution +18
- Luck +6
- Precision +12
- Strength +12
Notes: This item is No-Trade
Crusader Mark II/III Helmet[]
Crusader Mark II Helmet
Cost: 800 Commendations
Level Required: 75
Armor type: Battle
Stat Modifiers:
- Constitution +18
- Luck +6
- Precision +12
- Strength +12
Notes: This item is No-Trade
Crusader Mark II/III Leggings[]
Cost: 800 Commendations
Level Required: 75
Armor type: Battle
Stat Modifiers:
![Leggings Reb Restuss](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/swg/images/c/cd/Leggings_Reb_Restuss.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/69?cb=20080612143748)
Crusader Mark II Leggings
- Constitution +18
- Luck +6
- Precision +12
- Strength +12
Notes: This item is No-Trade
The stats, damage, and the amount of Commendations needed to purchase weapons are the same for Imperials and Rebels. Note: All weapons are no-trade. They can be deconstructed to a munitions draft schematic, which makes the weapon bio-linked to you.
Caelli-Merced 'Frag Storm' Heavy Shotgun[]
Cost: 500 Commendations
Combat Level Required: 75
Profession Required: None
Skill Mods:
- Constitution +5
- Precision +10
- Base Type: Kinetic
- Attack Speed: 1
- Damage: 800-1300
- Base DPS: 1150
- Elemental Type: Kinetic
- Elemental Damage: 50
Type: Ranged
Range: 0-64m
Caelli-Merced 'Reaper" Sniper Rifle[]
Cost: 500 Commendations
Combat Level Required: 75
Profession Required: None
Skill Mods:
- Constitution +5
![Reaper Sniper Rifle](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/swg/images/b/b0/Reaper_Sniper_Rifle.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/151?cb=20080612144537)
C-M Reaper Sniper Rifle
- Precision +10
- Base Type: Energy
- Attack Speed: 0.8
- Damage: 560-960
- Base DPS: 950
- Elemental Type: Cold
- Elemental Damage: 20
Type: Ranged
Range: 0-64m
Caelli-Merced 'Dead Bolt' Pistol[]
Cost: 500 Commendations
Combat Level Required: 75
Profession Required: None
Skill Mods:
- Constitution +5
- Precision +10
- Base Type: Energy
- Attack Speed: ??
- Damage: 290-450
- Base DPS: 925
- Elemental Type: Cold
- Elemental Damage: 20
Type: Ranged
Range: 0-35m
The 'Nova Edge' sword[]
Cost: 500 Commendations
Combat Level Required: 75
Profession Required: None
Skill Mods:
- Constitution +5
![Nova Edge](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/swg/images/5/5c/Nova_Edge.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20100226165505)
Nova Edge Sword
- Precision +10
- Base Type: Kinetic
- Attack Speed: 1.0
- Damage: 600-1500
- Base DPS: 1050
- Elemental Type: none
- Elemental Damage: none
Type: Melee
Range: 0-5m
Crusader M-XII Pistol[]
Cost: 500 Commendations
Combat Level Required: 75
Profession Required: None
Skill Mods:
- Constitution +5
- Precision +10
- Base Type: Energy
- Attack Speed: ??
- Damage: 270-510
- Base DPS: 975
- Elemental Type: None
- Elemental Damage: None
Type: Ranged
Range: 0-35m
Crusader M-XIV Rifle[]
Cost: 500 Commendations
Combat Level Required: 75
Profession Required: None
Skill Mods:
- Constitution +5
- Precision +10
- Base Type: Energy
- Attack Speed: 0.8
- Damage: 530-1030
- Base DPS: 975
- Elemental Type: None
- Elemental Damage: None
Type: Ranged
Crusader M-XIII Carbine[]
Cost: 500 Commendations
Combat Level Required: 75
Profession Required: None
Skill Mods:
- Constitution +5
![Restuss Carbine](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/swg/images/5/57/Restuss_Carbine.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/184?cb=20080612144716)
Crusader M-XIII Carbine
- Precision +10
- Base Type: Energy
- Attack Speed: ??
- Damage: 415-755
- Base DPS: 974
- Elemental Type: None
- Elemental Damage: None
Type: Ranged
Range: 0-50m
Crusader M-XX Heavy Rifle[]
Cost: 500 Commendations
Combat Level Required: 75
Profession Required: None
Skill Mods:
- Constitution +5
![Heavy Rifle](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/swg/images/4/4c/Heavy_Rifle.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/189?cb=20080612144917)
Crusader M-XX Heavy Rifle
- Precision +10
- Base Type: Kinetic
- Attack Speed: 1
- Damage: 800-1300
- Base DPS: 1050
- Elemental Type: Electric (Commando only)
- Elemental Damage: 50
Type: Ranged Heavy Weapon
Range: 0-64m
Crusader 'Templar' sword[]
Cost: 500 Commendations
Combat Level Required: 75
Profession Required: ??
Skill Mods:
- Constitution +5
- Precision +10
- Base Type: Kinetic
- Attack Speed: ??
- Damage: 750-1350
- Base DPS: 1050
- Elemental Type: None
- Elemental Damage: None
Type: Melee
Range: 0-5m