Need anything ? A drink, something to eat ?
Commander Dulios.
Commander Dulios is located in Theed Palace in same room as the Librarian. Waypoint -5535 4679
Pilot Missions[]
Capture a Black Sun Assassin[]
Dantooine System: Capture a Black Sun Assassin[]
- Capture Saysmond Varg, a known Black Sun assassin wanted in connection to attacks on Naboo citizens.
Dantooine System (Dantooine's Wrath)
Travel to the Dantooine system disable your target and destroy his escort:
- 1 Tier 2 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter".
- 1 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk "Dru'Mdar".
Once "Dru'Mdar" ship is disabled you will have to wait for the Nav Computer to finish its Capture Protocol. You will have to escort the captured ship and proceed until it launches. Then you will receive your next mission:
Dantooine System: Fly a Holding Pattern[]
- Fly a holding pattern while RSF Intelligence attempts to discover what went wrong.
This is a classic patrol mission. You will receive soon your next mission:
Dantooine System: Defend from the Black Sun Assault[]
- Defend from the Black Sun assault.
The area is under attack ! Destroy the threat:
- 4 Tier 2 Ixiyen "Black Sun Agressor".
After this you will be asked to jump into Naboo system for your next mission:
Naboo System: Finish off Saysmond Varg[]
- Saysmond Varg has evaded our nets and moved into Naboo Space. We cannot chance an assassin of Saysmond's caliber this close to the Royal seat; destroy him by any means necessary.
Naboo system (Sea of Veruna)
Just travel to the given waypoint and destroy Saysmond and his escort:
- 2 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter."
- 1 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk "Saysmond Varg."
- Credits: 25000 credits
- A level 6 SubPro Military-Grade Reactor.
Escort the Cadamo Sun[]
Naboo System: Escort the Cadamo Sun[]
- The Cadamo Sun is flying as a decoy and will likely come under heavy attack from the Ay'Nat pirates. Be on your guard.
Head to the rendezvous waypoint and escort the ship. The Cadamo Sun is a Tier 3 YT1300. You will have to protect it against several opponent waves:
- First wave:
- 2 X-wing Tier 3 "Ay'Nat Enforcer".
- 1 Dunelizard Tier 3 "Ay'Nat Ghost".
- Second wave:
- 2 Rihkxyrk Tier 3 "Ay'Nat Intimidator".
- 1 Dunelizard Tier 3 "Ay'Nat Ghost".
After this escort you will be attacked by an Ay'Nat assault.
Naboo System: Survive the Ay'Nat Assault[]
- Survive a final spearhead by the Ay'Nat in the Naboo System.
It consist of destroy :
- 5 Rihkxyrk Tier 3 "Ay'Nat Intimidator".
Once you dispatch them all in floating debris you will be sent to your next mission in Corellian system.
Corellia System: Destroy the Ay'Nat Pirates[]
- Set up to intercept for the Ay'Nat pirates advancing on the main target, the RSF Madersim.
Corellia system (Corellia's Own)
For this mission you will have to defend 3 RSF ships:
- 2 Tier 3 Z-95 "RSF Stinger".
- 1 Tier 3 KSE Firespray "RSF Hunter".
Shortly after your arrival will come your opponents:
- 1 Rihkxyrk Tier 3 "Ay'Nat Intimidator".
- 3 Ixiyen Tier 3 "Ay'Nat Outlaw".
- 3 Kimogila M12-L Tier 3 "Ay'Nat Vaporizer".
- 1 Tier 3 YT-1300 "Ay'Nat Viggo".
After this battle, you wll have to rescue an RSF ship...
--Note: The ships you face in this part of the mission use missiles frequently, make sure your chaff launcher is full. Also you will likely be 5k from the Station if you need quick repairs, expect the fighters to follow you though.
Corellia System: Rescue the RSF Madersim[]
- Rescue the RSF Madersim which is listing in space.
Dock with the RSF Madersim in order to repair it, then escort it safely. You will have to destroy one ship on your way:
- 1 Kimogila M12-L Tier 3 "Ay'Nat Vaporizer".
After this you can return to Commander Dulios for your reward.
- Credits: 25000 credits
- A level 6 MandalMotors "Inferno" Starfighter Engine.
Discover the Naboo Diplomatic Corps Cargo[]
Naboo System: Discover the Naboo Diplomatic Corps Cargo[]
- Track down an errant Naboo Diplomatic Corps craft and uncover what their cargo is.
Go to the given waypoint, locate and disable:
- 1 Tier 2 YT-1300 "NDC Transport".
You may destroy the four Tier 1 ships that circles around it by the way... Inspect the YT-1300 "NDC Transport" and Dock it to recover the documents, then proceed to your next mission:
Lok System: Deliver Encrypted Documents to the RSF Contact[]
- You must deliver the encrypted documents to a RSF contact in the Lok System.
Lok system (Lurid Dawn)
Once you reached Lok system you will be attacked on your way to the RSF contact ship.
- 1st wave:
- 2 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Aggressor".
- 2nd wave:
- 2 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter".
Once you reach the rendezvous waypoint several repeating waves will attack you, it s preferable to disable all ships from one wave then to Dock with the RSF Contact ship quickly.
After this you will receive your next mission:
Lok System: Intercept a Black Sun Transmission[]
- You must maintain presence in a location where you can intercept a Black Sun transmission.
Head to the given waypoint and destroy all attacking waves:
- 1st wave:
- 2 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk"Black Sun Bomber".
- 1 Tier 4 Kihraxz "Black Sun Wraith".
- 2nd wave:
- 2 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk"Black Sun Bomber".
- 2 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter".
- 3rd wave:
- 4 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter".
- 4th wave:
- 2 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter".
- 5th wave:
- 3 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Marauder".
- 6th wave:
- 2 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk"Black Sun Bomber".
- 1 Tier 4 Kihraxz "Black Sun Wraith".
- 7th wave:
- 2 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk"Black Sun Bomber".
- 2 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter".
NOTE: Do not stray too far from the waypoint, or the transmission reception will fail, costing you the mission.
At this stage the Transmission ended successfully just return to Commander Dulios for your reward.
- Credits: 25000 credits
- A level 6 SoroSuub "V-1" Weapon Capacitor.
Destroy the Black Sun Assassin[]
Dantooine System: Destroy the Black Sun Assassin[]
- Destroy the Black Sun Assassin.
Just after launch from Theed you will be immediately attacked by a Black Sun assault.
- 5 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Marauder."
After this quick clearance mission you can jump to Dantooine system to pursue your mission.
- Dantooine system
You just have to destroy all those ships at given waypoint:
- 2 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk "Black Sun Bomber."
- 2 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Vehement."
- 1 Tier 4 Kihraxz "Beldini."
After this mission you will be asked to jump to Lok system (Voria's Ember) for your next mission:
Lok System: Assist the RSF Take down Crystal Snake[]
- A face to face battle with a Black Sun Ace fighter named Crystal Snake.
You will meet some RSF forces to help you at the Ambush point:
- 3 Tier 3 KSE Firespray "RSF Hunter."
And shortly after will come your opponents:
- 2 Tier 3 Kihraxz "Black Sun Fighter."
- 1 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Marauder."
- 1 Tier 4 Kihraxz "Crystal Snake."
Once all are taken down you will be immediately attacked. This is you next mission:
Lok System: Survive the Black Sun Ambush[]
- Survive the Black Sun Ambush.
Destroy all ships:
- 3 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Marauder."
Once again you will receive almost same mission:
Lok System: Survive the Black Sun Ambush[]
- Survive the Black Sun ambush.
Destroy all your opponents:
- 4 Tier 3 Ixiyen "Black Sun Vehement."
And another one.
Lok System: Survive the Black Sun Ambush[]
- Survive the Black Sun Ambush - Final Wave.
Destroy the Gunboat :
- 1 Tier 2 Assault Gunboat "Black Sun Devastator."
You are now ready for your next mission:
Lok System: Destroy the Black Sun Operative[]
- Destroy the final Black Sun operative.
Head to the waypoint and destroy all Black Sun ships:
- 2 Tier 4 Kihraxz "Black Sun Wraith."
- 1 Tier 3 Rihkxyrk "Krayt's Bane."
- Credits: 25000 credits
- A level 6 Kuat Systems Engineering Handcrafted Durasteel Plating armor.
After having finished all your trainings, Commander Dulios will send you to your next assignment: Diness Imler. She is located in the opposite room.