SWG Wiki

Cold Visual Effect


Cold Debuff

One of the four elemental damage types in SWG. The Knucklers of the Katarn, Proton Carbine, SR Combat Pistol, Cryo Lance, Master Crafted DC-15 Rifle, and Two-Handed Sith Sword are exemples of weapons currently in the game dealing cold damage. Also, lightsabers with a specific color crystal will deal cold damage in addition to energy damage. Most armor has equal protection for all elemental damage types, making cold damage just as effective as heat, acid, or electricity. You can quickly tell if you are being hit with cold damage by the ice formation graphics animated on your avatar when you take damage.

Freezing Blow Cold Proc: Increases the amount of damage taken by the target. The potency of the debuff is modified by the value of the elemental cold damage of the application weapon and increases base weapon damage for each individual attacker - Duration 6 seconds.

The added damage equals 20% of the Weapon Elemental Damage.


  • A weapon with 30 elemental damage will proc for an added damage of 6% for 6 seconds
  • A weapon with 60 elemental damage will proc for an added damage of 12% for 6 seconds
  • A weapon with 90 elemental damage will proc for an added damage of 18% for 6 seconds