This bunker is the home of criminals known as Neo-Cobral.
Location: (5451 5044) on Rori
Type: static spawn, dungeon respawn is approx 5 minutes quite a long wait
- Neo-Cobral Boss (CL58)
- Neo-Cobral Assassin (CL53)
- Neo-Cobral Hitman (CL52)
- Neo-Cobral Runner (CL43-45)
- Neo-Cobral Thief (CL42)
- Neo-Cobral Thug (CL42)
Herald NPC: a commoner (/way -5211, 80, -2270)
Conversation with a commoner[]
a commoner: Are you interested in helping you fellow citizens of Rori? We're recruiting people to help put a stop to the menace posed by the Cobrals. We're asking everyone to do their part and help eradicate this threat. Are you willing to do your part?
PC: Who are the Cobrals?
a commoner: They are an organization comprised by some of the most despicable individuals on Rori. They are being led by the evil Cobral Overlord, who is bent on the domination of this moon. Only if everyone comes together can we finally put a stop to them.
PC: Yes, I'll do my part!
a commoner: You're the kind of person we were looking for! Here's where you can find the Cobral hideout. Go out there and give them everything you've got! We can't pay you, but you can take anything you find on them.