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<< Previous Quest: Bountied!

Level: 65


Bossk wants you to help him collect some more bounties. He'll pay you for your efforts.


Recommended combat levels: 90 and higher

Balfur Jhcor[]


Balfur Jhcor

Bossk asks you to help him with some other bounties on Lok. You are send to meet with his associate near the spaceport of Nym's Stronghold by the River, Balfur Jhcor, at /wp 579 5352.

Conversation with Balfur Jhcor[]

Balfur Jhcor: You're here, finally. Bossk let me know that you were on your way. I have the information you'll need for each of the bounties. I'll upload it to your journal. Now, get to work. When you finish with these bounties, I can finally get off of this forsaken planet.

The Three Bounties[]

Jhcor gives you details about the three targets that you will need to find.

  • Joti Laike (lvl 65 elite) is a wandering spawn who moves around. Sometimes found by the "Quarter Master" or /way 639 11 5095. If not look near the Bank or the Cantina in Nym's Stronghold to find him. also found at /way 256 12 4989.
  • Sardeya Elgrin (lvl 65 elite) is inside the Droid Engineer's Cave POI at /wp 3317 -4903. The Cave itself is crawling with lvl 50+ droids, once inside take the LEFT path to find her (/wp 3201 -4848).
  • Oono Mor'in (lvl 65 elite) is a Gungan who lives near the Great Kimogila Skeleton POI /wp 4570 -1093
/way orange 639 5095 Joti Laike;
/way orange 256 4989 Joti Laike;
/way orange 3317 -4903 Droid Engineer's Cave;
/way orange 3201 -4848 Sardeya Elgrin;
/way orange 4570 -1093 Oono Mor'in;

After all three are defeated, you receive a message from Bossk.

Bossk: Not bad. Fortune smiled on me when you intervened on that Meatlump fool's behalf. I'll let Balfur know to have your payment ready.

Return to Balfur[]

Return to Balfur Jhcor at Nym's Stronghold and speak with him.

Conversation with Balfur Jhcor[]

Balfur Jhcor: Yes, yes. You're back. Bravo. Well done and all that. I suppose I should thank you...I might actually be able to leave now. So...thank you.
PC: I was promised a share of the bounty.
Balfur Jhcor: Oh, that's right. Bossk left specific instructions on that. Something about you needing to DIE!

Balfur's Treachery[]

Balfur Jhcor will attack you. He is a lvl 65 elite also. He will stop attacking when his health gets down to about 25% at which time he will beg your forgiveness and offer you your reward.

Conversation with Balfur Jhcor[]

Balfur Jhcor: Okay, okay. You win. Don't hurt me any more. I can't believe I let Bossk talk me into attacking you so he could keep the entire bounty. What a ridiculous idea. Here, take a weapon. I'm clearly not qualified to use any of them. And take the paltry salary that Bossk sends to me. It's not much, but I hope you choke on it.

You will be directed to the nearby Vana Sage for the start of a new Theme Park.

Vana Sage: I've had my eye on you since you arrived on Lok. Looks like you handle yourself well enough. Stop by Nym's if you want to earn a little money.

Following Quest: Meet Vana Sage >>
