SWG Wiki
Certification Exotic Vessels
Mass 90k
Role Interceptor
Crew Pilot only
Weapon Mounts Projectile weapon x2
Ordnance x1
Astromech Technology Flight computer
Acceleration 400
Deceleration 400
Yaw Rate 400
Pitch Rate 400
Roll Rate 200
Speed Modifier 0.95
Pictures Official picture

All Textures with Advanced Engine and Boosters

The Belbullab-22 (commonly referred to as "Grievous' Starship" or less commonly, a "Bella") is granted through a deed dropped by N-K "Necrosis" in the Myyydril Caverns of Kashyyyk. This factionless ship requires certification in Exotic Spaceships (Hyper-maneuverable) and at least 5 Exploration Badges in order to fly. Although some people have had trouble generating the ship if they downloaded SWG prior to NGE. With handling and performance virtually identical to the "Jedi Star Fighter", and having a very tight turning radius, it is both desired and frowned upon. It may be found at the bazaars for low prices on many servers. Additionally in PvP it is sometimes regarded as cheap due to its great speed and agility.

Star Wars Lore[]

Grievous' personal starfighter Soulless One was a battle-worn and modified Belbullab-22. It was developed by Feethan Ottraw Scalable Assemblies, the same Techno Union design firm that minted the Mankvim-814. It carried two rapid-firing triple laser cannons that quickly cool and cycle energy, giving the ship a devastating fire-rate. Ships of this size and vintage don't ordinarily have a hyperdrive, but Grievous needed to stay mobile within an interstellar scale. Unlike the smaller Jedi starfighters that must link to an external docking ring to achieve superluminal velocities, Grievous' fighter contained a cutting edge lightspeed engine. Flanking the ship's main hull were forward mounted ion engines that incorporated lateral thrust ducts for maneuvering. A rear-mounted thrust vectoring fin also served to increase the ship's agility.

For Grievous' need to keep in touch with the Separatist forces under his command, the small fighter contained a compact HoloNet transceiver, allowing him to patch into legitimate and pirate "shadowfeed" networks.

  • Wingspan - 6.3m
  • Length - 11.4m

Pilot Commentary[]

This is a top notch "fighter" class. It has excellent handling, a tight blaster spread, and a small hit box. Most consider it second only to the "Jedi Starfighter" Eta-2 Actis Interceptor in rankings of fighter class ships. The only drawback to this nimble little fighter is the poor visibility afforded by the cockpit canopy. The pilot has to maintain a tight eye on the scope to keep track of enemy fighter.

You must have 5 Exploration Badges (such as visited POIs) to generate ship from the deed - besides Tier IV (Exotic Vessels) Pilot skills. Othervise, a message will pop up saying that the "appropriate badge has not been acquired". If this message appears - try to go trough some POIs: Crystal Fountain of Bela Vistal, Grand Theater of Vreni Island, Hidden Rebel Base e t. c.

