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Bardo Kling is Borvo the Hutt's Lieutenant located in Keren, on Naboo. He has a few tasks for to run. Since the third quest was bugged, it was not possible to finish the questline.

/way naboo 1822 2778 Bardo Klinj

Spice Delivery[]

Reward: 100 Credits

Conversation with Bardo Klinj[]

Bardo Klinj: Very wise, speaking with me. You could do much worse than ally yourself with Borvo the Hutt. I'm his lieutenant. If you're interested in earning credits, I happen to be missing a courier. That's the problem with so many beings in this line of work -- they're unreliable. Interested in making the drop in his place?
PC: What sort of delivery is this?
Bardo Klinj: If you have to ask... actually nothing too illegal. A certain Imperial official has a taste for Kassoti spice. Borvo wants to meet the needs of all his friends in the Empire.
PC: Yes.
Bardo Klinj: Wonderful. You'll be giving this package to an Imperial courier, so I doubt you'll have any legal trouble. However, you may run into tedious busybodies from Kritus Morven's gang. See me once you've finished.

  • Bardo has a missing courier on his hands, and needs you to step in to make a spice delivery to an Imperial courier.

Imperial Courier: Are you the courier?

  • Take the Unmarked Package to the location that you're given, defeat two of Kritus' Gang Mambers and hand the package over to the Imperial.

Imperial Courier: Thank you, citizen. I'll take it from here.

Conversation with Bardo Klinj[]

Bardo Klinj: Good job. I think I could find more work for you soon.

Gift For Borvo[]

Reward: 150 Credits

Conversation with Bardo Klinj[]

Bardo Klinj: A local official who the boss did a big favor is sending a thank-you gift to him. You're new to the organization, so nobody would associate you with us yet. Would you mind picking up this package?
PC: Why is it important that I not be associated with you?
Bardo Klinj: Just to protect that official. Borvo has a -- reputation, and the authorities tend to keep an eye on his known associates. Nobody will give you a second look. No offense.
PC: Yes.
Bardo Klinj: Glad to have you working with us. Meet Imperial courier Val Tula. She'll have a datadisc for you. It's a valuable item, so watch yourself once you make the pickup.

  • Borvo did a big favor for a local official, and now that official is sending Borvo a gift. Since you're new to the gang, Bardo wants you to pick it up, with the thought no one will connect you to Borvo.

Imperial Courier: Are you the courier I'm supposed to meet?

  • Head out to the location you're given to meet up with the Imperial courier Val Tula to receive a package.

Imperial Courier: Not to worry. All these codes are squeaky clean.

  • Return it to Bardjo for your reward.

Conversation with Bardo Klinj[]

Bardo Klinj: You seem to handle yourself pretty well. Keep up the good work and there may be a place for you in our organization.

Gungan Debts[]

Reward: 200 Credits

Conversation with Bardo Klinj[]

Bardo Klinj: You don't have a problem dealing with Gungans, do you? Personally I can't understand a blasted thing they say, but the boss has a soft spot for them. One of them, named Mubarr, owes us a little money and hasn't been coming around to make his payments. Would you mind collecting for us?
PC: How am I supposed to collect it if he doesn't have it?
Bardo Klinj: Our slicers tell me Mubarr's bank records show he has the money. Just be sure to get his bank codes so we can extract a late fee and, of course, your payment.
PC: Yes.
Bardo Klinj: I figured you could handle this one easy. Just find Mubarr and explain the problem to him. If he doesn't cooperate -- you do what you have to.

  • Bardo informs you that a Gungan named Mubarr is late on paying his debt to Borvo. He would like you to go and get the payment from him, by any means necessary.

Mubarr: Mesa no liken de interest. Mesa be crunchin' yous, not be skeered of yousa none.

  • Go to the location that Bardo provides you with, and meet up with Mubarr to get his credits, but he doesn't want to give them to you. Be careful, he's not a total pushover. Return the bank codes to Bardo for your reward.

Conversation with Bardo Klinj[]

Bardo Klinj: Good work. Can you believe how that guy would try to ignore his obligations to the boss? It breaks my heart.


Reward: 250 Credits

Conversation with Bardo Klinj[]

Bardo Klinj: You are in a position to do Borvo a great service. His majordomo has been taken captive by his rival, Kritus Morven. We want her back, urgently, and we want you to get her.
PC: What does a majordomo do, exactly?
Bardo Klinj: Let's just say she's an integral part of our accounting process. The specifics of her job are not pertinent. We just want her back as soon as possible.
PC: Yes.
Bardo Klinj: Her name is Xan'lac, and she's a Twi'lek. Feel free to kill any non-Twi'leks in her vicinity. Be careful of her though -- she's a very valuable resource.

  • Borvo's majordomo, a Twi'lek woman named Xan'lak, has been kidnapped by Borvo's rival Kritus. Bardo leaves it to you to go rescue her. Feel free to kill any non-Twi'leks. With the location in hand, head out and begin your rescue mission.

Major domo Xan'lak: Help me! Please!
Major domo Xan'lak: I'm relieved to see you. You're good at what you do.

  • Terminate Kritus' three Gang Member, and escort Xan'lak back to Bardo for your reward.

Major domo Xan'lak: You've been a wonderful companion. Thank you for getting me here safely.

Conversation with Bardo Klinj[]

Bardo Klinj: You have done a great service to our organization. You deserve a vacation -- Moenia perhaps. Borvo lives there. Maybe you might stop in and visit him.
