BARVE HUNT (Chapter 1) is one of the written materials found in a Data Storage Unit.
Onar was getting into it now, telling the little Rodian where he could stick his credits. Everyone in the cantina had turned to watch, and the poor little Rodian, a green quilled wheeler-dealer who claimed to have connections from Corellia to Naboo was trying to shrink into the seat, the drink in his hands sloshing onto his pants because he'd forgotten about it completely.
Onar knew this was a risk, a dangerous game he was playing. He'd spotted the Rodian looking for his contact, set to make a deal for some illegal bootlegs of a musical recording. Onar had heard on the street from the Wookiee, Gurumsh that this Rodian was here trying to cut into some illegal activities. Looking to make some money fast. It was what Gurumsh said next that had planted the seed of this plan in Onar's mind.
He'd said, "Raawwooar, <snarl>, groaaowwarl." Which roughly translated meant that the Rodian was an idiot and probably didn't even know who the contact was.
That had gotten Onar thinking. Yeah, he could pull this off. Catch the guy early, get him into a booth, fast talk him into believing he was the contact and then figure out half way in how to get some creds out of the guy.
It had worked too, for a while, but then the Rodian had started to get suspicious. Onar didn't know which band had made the bootleg, or what the name of the song was. He'd guessed correctly that the Hutt's were involved, and that had almost gotten him back on track, but he'd guessed wrong about the number of recordings being moved. He'd been way off. And so he'd gone into his rant, telling the little Rodian to stuff it, and that he'd rather swim through rancor offal than deal with a little runt like him who didn't know what he was doing.
That was working too now, and he just needed to figure whether he wanted to escape, or maybe play the calm down card, get the guy back into business, maybe still grab some money.
Then the Rodian pulled out his trump card, and Onar knew he was toast.
The Rodian said, "We'll just see what my boss thinks. You know who my boss is don't you? Slinereel?"