Arnecio is a Bothan pilot in the Science outpost cantina on Dathomir (-115, -1580). After completing Major Eker's missions he'll reveal that he has a dossier on you, and that Major Eker is actually an Imperial deserter. He'll send you on some difficult, but soloable, missions above Dathomir and other systems. Success will give you immediate training in one skill box.
Pilot Missions[]
Kidnap Imperial security officer[]
Dathomir system: Kidnap Imperial security officer[]
- To start off our operations in the Dathomir section we need you to obtain some security codes from an Imperial security officer. We can use these codes to infiltrate and decimate the Imperial fleets infrastructure in this system.
Head to the Imperial Security Officer Lambda shuttle, disable it, and escort it when captured:
- 1 Tier 3 Lambda shuttle "Imperial Security Officer".
You will have to escort that Lambda shuttle after the droid takes control of it. Protect it against:
- 1 Tier 3 "TIE Fighter".
And you will be ready for the next part of your mission:
Dathomir system: Deliver Security codes to Alliance spies and fleet[]
- It's time to put the codes you stole to good use. Deliver them to one of our commando teams first and then to one of our capital ships.
Alliance spies are in a Tier 3 Imperial Lambda shuttle. Just dock with it to transfer data. Then head to the second rendezvous waypoint and dock with a Rebel Tier 3 Gunboat. You will be attacked while docking by:
- 3 Tier 3 TIE Fighter.
You will receive your next mission:
Dathomir system: Defend the gunboat[]
- The Empire has caught up to what's going on and are launching a full scale attack to destroy the gunboat you delivered the codes to. Cover the gunboats escape.
Go to the given waypoint and defend that position against waves of Imperial forces:
- First wave:
- 3 Tier 3 TIE Fighter.
- Second wave:
- 3 Tier 3 TIE Interceptor.
Third wave:
- 2 Tier 3 TIE Interceptor.
- 1 Tier 3 TIE Bomber.
Fourth wave:
- 3 Tier 3 TIE Fighter.
- 2 Tier 3 TIE Interceptor.
- 1 Tier 3 TIE Advanced.
At this stage you will get a new mission:
Dathomir system: Rescue the Rebel infiltrators[]
- The infiltration team that you provided the security codes to earlier had a successful mission but they have been spotted and need you to escort them to safety.
Go to the given coordinates and meet the Alliance ship (an Imperial Lambda shuttle). Escort it against a spawn of:
- 2 Tier 3 TIE Interceptors.
- 1 Tier 3 TIE Advanced.
After this you may return to Dathomir Science Outpost for your reward:
- 25000 Credits
- 100 Rebel Faction points
- A Level 6 Corellian Engineering Corp, Triplate Armor.
Investigate suspicious Rebel craft[]
Dathomir system: Investigate suspicious Rebel craft[]
- You are ordered to fly to the designated areas and inspect suspicious Rebel craft to try and catch Imperial terrorist infiltrators.
The Empire wants to take revenge on the Rebel Forces on Dathomir and the surrounding space. They are sending rebel ships with explosives in them. You must locate supspect ships and inspect them to confirm their contents:
- A Tier 2 Y-Wing Fighter (suspect).
- A Tier 2 B-Wing Fighter (suspect).
- A Tier 2 X-Wing Fighter (suspect).
Once you found a ship containing bombs you will have to disable that ship and dock with it to recover the bombs. Then you will receive your next mission:
Dathomir system: Defeat the elite TIE squadron[]
- The Empire had some of their elite TIE Interceptors shadow their spy in case any complications came up. They are set on your destruction, surprise them by fighting back and show them that the Alliance have no fear!
Just after recovering the bombs from the Rebel ship, you will be attacked by:
- 3 Tier 3 TIE Interceptors.
Destroy them all, and continue on your next mission:
Dantooine system: Defeat Imperial Inquisitor in the Dantooine sector[]
- We want to keep this winning streak going and we have the perfect target. An Imperial Inquisitor is in transit through the Dantooine system. Eliminate him and it will put fear through out the ranks of the Empire.
Sector: Isryn's Veil
Destroy your target and its escort:↑
- 1 Tier 3 Lambda shuttle Inquisitor.
- 3 Tier 3 TIE Interceptors (Elite Guard).
You will then receive your next mission:
Dantooine system: Assist B-Wing Bomber squad in eliminating intercepting TIE Fighters[]
- A squad of B-Wing bombers were on their way to attack some Imperial freighters but were spotted by a TIE wing. Assist them in eliminating the Imperial fighters.
Just meet at the rendezvous waypoint:
- 3 Tier 3 Rebel B-Wings.
and eliminate the Imperial forces:
- 4 Tier 3 TIE Fighters.
- 2 Tier 3 TIE Interceptors.
Once all are gone, you can return to Arnecio Ulvaw'op for your reward:
- 25000 Credits
- 100 Rebel Faction Points
- A level 6 Qualdex Capacitor Battery Array.
Deliver security data to a Rebel commando team[]
Lok and Dathomir system: Deliver security data to a Rebel commando team[]
- There's a high ranking Imperial officer that is a traitor and have been imprisoned on Dathomir. In Nym's service there's a smuggler that have been inside the prison and he's agreed to give us any information he has about it to assist in breaking free the prisoner. Meet the smuggler in the Lok sector and take the data to one of our Commando teams in the Dathomir sector.
Sector: Nyms' Hovel.
Meet the Nym light Smuggler Vessel in Lok system to recover the data and immediately travel back to the Dathomir system (jump to Dark Force). You will be attacked on your way by:
Location: Dathomir system
Sector: Dark Force.
- 3 Tier 3 TIE Interceptors.
Try to dock as soon as possible with the YT-1300 "Smuggler Light Transport" to transfer data. You will then receive your next mission:
Dathomir system: Terminate the Imperial patrol[]
- One of our X-Wing squadrons has been ordered to eliminate one of the Empire's guard patrols. The patrol turned out to be a bit larger than expected so they could use your assistance.
Go to the given waypoint and wait for your friends:
- 3 Tier 3 Rebel X-Wings.
And prepare to fight the Imperial forces:
- 2 Tier 3 Lambda Shuttles.
- 6 Tier 3 TIE Fighters.
Then you can continue with your next mission:
Dathomir system: Help the survivors of the commando team escape[]
- The commando team breaking out the Imperial defector has been all but wiped out. You need to make sure that they can escape the Imperial fighters trying to catch them.
Meet the YT-1300 "Smuggler Light Transport" at the rendezvous waypoint and escort it safely against waves of Imperial Fighters:
- 1st wave:
- 3 Tier 3 TIE Fighters.
2nd wave:
- 3 Tier 3 TIE Interceptors.
Then you should be ready for your next mission:
Dathomir system: Make a stand[]
- You have helped the commando team break through the Imperial blockade but there's multiple fighters still chasing after them. Get in their way and let none pass!
You will have to keep a position and destroy all Imperial ship waves:
- First wave:
- 3 Tier 3 TIE Fighters.
Second wave:
- 2 Tier 3 TIE Fighters.
- 1 Tier 3 TIE Interceptor.
Third wave:
- 2 Tier 3 TIE Fighters.
- 1 Tier 3 TIE Bomber.
Final wave:
- 3 Tier 3 TIE Fighters.
Then your mission should end and you can return to Dathomir.
- 25000 Credits
- 100 Rebel Faction Points
- A Level 6 Incom Military-Grade Starfighter Engine.
Terminate the Imperial Hero[]
Endor system: Terminate the Imperial "Hero"[]
- An Imperial fighter pilot is on his way to be decorated for his victories against us. Let's send a message to the Empire they will not forget by making sure he never reaches his award ceremony.
Sector: Area D-435.
Launch to Endor system and destroy your target (you are not obliged to destroy its escort too):
- 1 Tier 4 TIE Advanced.
- 1 Tier 3 TIE Interceptor.
- 3 Tier 3 TIE Fighters.
Once all are turned to parts and pieces, you may head on your next mission. It will be given to you automatically.
Endor system: Scan a region of the Endor system[]
- In order to find out what the Empire is doing in such large force here, we need some more scan data. We've heard rumors that they are testing some new ship type and we hope that you can find us some evidence of that.
You will have to follow some Patrol Route waypoints until you receive your next mission:
Endor system: Terminate Imperial patrol[]
- An Imperial patrol spotted you while you were scanning the region. Defend yourself and eliminate the threat pilot!
Just destroy those ships:
- 3 Tier 3 TIE Advanceds.
And you will receive your new mission. Another automatic mission.
Note: The next mission and all docking missions you must have your own ship. You cannot dock in a friend's ship if they are driving it.
Endor system: Deliver scan data to a Rebel Smuggler[]
- We need you to deliver the scan data that you got on your patrol to one of our smugglers immediately, so that we can plan our next point of attack.
Go to the rendezvous waypoint and dock with the Rebel Smuggler ship (a Tier 3 YT-1300). During that docking operation you may be attacked by:
- 2 Tier 3 TIE Fighters.
- 1 Tier 3 TIE Interceptor
And perhaps more because of Imperial natural spawn in the area... Feel free to jump to another safer Endor system hyperjump location such as Area D-435, but only after completing the docking operation to finish that mission.
You should then receive your next mission:
Endor system: Help a Rebel Squadron fight the Empires prototype fighter[]
- One of our reconnaissance ships spotted one of these new prototype fighters of the Empire. We've decided to launch an attack and try to find out as much as we can about the ship from its debris. You're ordered to assist in the attack pilot.
Meet your friend at the given Battle location:
- 5 Tier 3 Rebel X-Wings.
And destroy all Imperial ships:
- 6 Tier 3 TIE Fighters.
- 1 Tier 3 TIE Aggressor.
Then you can return home for your reward:
- 25000 Credits
- 100 Rebel Faction Points.
- A Level 6 Slayn & Korpil "Hypervortex" Reactor.
Arnecio will then send you to General Ufwol on Rori at Rebel Outpost for your next assignment.
Conversation with Arnecio Ulvaw'op[]
Arnecio Ulvaw'op: Central Command has issued new orders for you.
PC: What's next?
Arnecio Ulvaw'op: You are now assigned to the Rebel outpost on Rori. You'll be reporting to General Ufwol.
PC: When do I leave?
Arnecio Ulvaw'op: Immediately. Thank you again for all your hard work. And remember: watch your back.