An Explorer's Log (7/8) is one of the story-containing items looted during space battles in the Endor system.
[Translating... ... ..]
During my travels to, and on, the moon of Endor, I've run across some interesting areas. I plan to go back with a few of my friends and poke around. So far, I've found tidbits and clues to the stories surrounding these areas. It's truly fascinating.
098.456 - Crash Site (4746, 13, 2077)
From the overgrown remains, I was able to recover a datadisk that happened to be in a undisturbed lockbox. What a lucky find, I thought! The disk was badly damaged from the crash, but I was able to extract a chunk of information from it with hours of effort. The crash site was of a starship, named 'the Jade Starunner', and belonged to a war hero, Vendi Kjleno. Unfortunately, I couldn't find enough information about the war hero, only that he was in the Battle of Yavin 4. Attempting to escape from Imperial threat in the Endor System, the war hero couldn't shake the Imperial officer and met his doom, crashing on the lovely green moon. Sudden, heavy rainfall prevented me from spending anymore time at this particular site.
076.290 - Imperial Survey Party (2663, 1, -4127)
A difficult find, indeed. Hidden in a copse of dense trees, I found this particular site after falling down a steep hill, crashing face first into the small river below. Interestingly enough, this site seems fairly new. I can't imagine an assignment that would send Imperial officers to such an uncharted area. The minimal amount of damage indicates that the creatures responsible were small. (Ewoks?) I am unsure if the Gorax are in the area, but the damage would be far spread if it was, indeed, a Gorax responsible.
045.709 - Solitary Hutt (-1795, 396, 6014)
An evil looking place. Skulls of past victories litter this site, casting a haunting aura and providing a perfect place for the Korga to mingle. On Endor, I find myself crawling to the top of rocky hills just to see what might be beyond the ridge. Imagine my surprise when, on reaching the top of a particularly treacherous hill of loose rock, I am immediately attacked by Korga. I barely left with my skin in tact. I was able, while fleeing for my life, to get a quick glance of the area. Again, this will be one of those sites I return to with a horde of friends.
I'll continue to find interesting areas. Adventure is my life.
Tinrilo "Adventi" x'Rilsam
Explorer Extraordinaire