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Alliance Pilot
Freelance Pilot
Imperial Pilot



The Alliance Pilot serves the Rebel Alliance -- the ragtag coalition of heroes who oppose the tyranny of the Galactic Empire. As an Alliance pilot, you will have access to a wide range of powerful starships, including the versatile X-wing and the incredibly fast A-wing. Alliance pilots also learn special Rebel piloting techniques and custom astromech programs that improve a starfighter's defensive capabilities and other features.

Because the Rebel Alliance is embroiled in a violent war with the Empire, the life of an Alliance Pilot is fraught with danger. If you start down this path, you can expect to clash with Imperial forces on a regular basis.

Getting Started[]

Rebel pilot ace

Rebel ace pilot

Starting with the Alliance Pilot tree involves visiting one of three trainers. These trainers can be found on the planets of Naboo, Corellia, and Tatooine. Talking to a trainer will allow you to pick up the Alliance Recruit skill and start down the path of being an Alliance Ace Pilot.

Which trainer you initially visit determines the Rebel squadron you join. Different squadrons have different missions to accomplish on the way to Ace, though all three squadrons require the same missions for Ace Pilot. The three squadrons, and their initial trainers, are:

To Master the Alliance Pilot tree you must talk to the Master Trainer:

If you want to stop being an alliance pilot you can do that at the Alliance Pilot Coordinator named J'pai Brek (-5072, -2343) Tyrena, Corellia. She is located in the small park just in front of the starport.

Profession Levels[]

Alliance Starfighter Trainee[]


Lessons and Certifications:

Tier 1[]

Basic Starfighter Continuation Training[]


  • 7,500 Starship Combat XP & 1 Trainer assigned mission.

Lessons and Certifications:

  • Y-Wing Piloting Certification.

Basic Alliance Starship Ordnance[]


  • 7,500 Starship Combat XP & 1 Trainer assigned mission.

Lessons and Certifications:

Starfighter Survival Tactics[]


  • 7,500 Starship Combat XP & 1 Trainer assigned mission.

Lessons and Certifications:

Droid Interface Basics[]


  • 7,500 Starship Combat XP & 1 Trainer assigned mission.

Lessons and Certifications:

Tier 2[]

Multi-role Craft[]


  • 60,000 Starship Combat XP & 1 Trainer assigned mission

Lessons and Certifications:

Intermediate Alliance Starship Ordnance[]


  • 60,000 Starship Combat XP & 1 Trainer assigned mission

Lessons and Certifications:

  • +10 Missile Launching Skill
  • Level 4 Ship Equipment Certification
  • Level 5 Ship Equipment Certification

Space Combat Techniques[]


  • 60,000 Starship Combat XP & 1 Trainer assigned mission

Lessons and Certifications:

Engineering Algorithms[]


  • 60,000 Starship Combat XP & 1 Trainer assigned mission

Lessons and Certifications:

Tier 3[]

(During this Tier the Starship Combat XP meter will display the amount of 200,000XP needed to reach next level. It will, however, NOT be required and all XP earned will stay and accumulate against the next Tier's first stop. In short, during Tier 3, you don't need pay any attention to the Starship Combat XP bar.)(in vortex Tier 1 is the section without needed XP)

Space Superiority Fighters[]


  • 1 Trainer assigned mission

Lessons and Certifications:

Advanced Alliance Starship Ordnance[]


  • 1 Trainer assigned mission

Lessons and Certifications:

  • +10 Missile Launching Skill
  • Level 6 Ship Equipment Certification
  • Level 7 Ship Equipment Certification

Advanced Space Combat[]


  • 1 Trainer assigned mission

Lessons and Certifications:

System Balance Programming[]


  • 1 Trainer assigned mission

Lessons and Certifications:

Tier 4[]

Hyper-Maneuverable Starfighters[]


  • 1,000,000 Starship Combat XP & 1 Trainer assigned mission

Lessons and Certifications:

Heavy Alliance Starship Ordnance[]


  • 1,000,000 Starship Combat XP & 1 Trainer assigned mission

Lessons and Certifications:

  • +15 Missile Launch Skill
  • Level 8 Ship Equipment Certification

Special Weapons and Tactics[]


  • 1,000,000 Starship Combat XP & 1 Trainer assigned mission

Lessons and Certifications:

Droid Intelligence Theory[]


  • 1,000,000 Starship Combat XP & 1 Trainer assigned mission

Lessons and Certifications:


Rebel Alliance Master Pilot[]

Requirements: Trainer assigned missions

Lessons and Certifications:

Starship Certifications[]

Name Combat Role Granted At Notes
Z-95 Headhunter (Training ship) Light Fighter Alliance Starfighter Trainee This is the first ship you receive as an Allaince pilot. Equipped with "Prototype" ship components.
Z-95 Headhunter Light Fighter Alliance Starfighter Trainee Also available as a "heavy variant", ideal grinding ship until the X-Wing starfighter.
Y-wing Bomber Basic Starfighter Continuation This is the brick of the Rebel Alliance fleet. It moves like a dead Hutt over a mountain, yet it is a good ship for dogfighting, as its armor and weapons, though out-of-date, are a force to be reckoned with. Note: This is the multiplayer starfighter for Alliance Pilots.
Y-wing Longprobe Bomber Multi-role Craft A Y-Wing where the secondary weapon is controlled by the pilot as well as the primary.
X-wing Medium Fighter Space Superiority Fighter This is the notorious T65 X-Wing Starfighter, making up the backbone of the Rebel Alliance Fleet. This is a great all purpose ship, as it has great armor without sacrificing too much manuverability or speed. It is definitely possible to reach Alliance Ace Pilot level with this fighter, and is probably the most popular ship in the game along with the YT-1300 light freighter.
A-wing Interceptor Hyper-manoeuvrable Starfighters The A-Wing starfighter is the cheetah of the Rebel Fleet. A small, one gunned craft, this ship speeds along like Bothan running from a wookiee. The A-Wing makes a great reconnaissance ship, as it can move in and out of territory literally in a matter of minutes. Great for small Rebel space outpost trying to spy on Imperial activity. Almost nothing can catch up with it accept for maybe the Actis-class fighter or possible the TIE Interceptor.
Advanced X-wing Heavy Fighter Hyper-manoeuvrable Starfighters Same as the normal X-wing, except it has 180,000 mass. Quest reward.
B-wing Heavy Bomber Alliance Master Pilot The B-Wing starfighter was intended to replace the outdated Y-Wing fighter, and it would have if there weren't so many of them. This fighter flies like the Y-wing, only with more firepower and no co-pilot/gunner.
Nova Courier Multipassenger Ship Alliance Master Pilot This ship has been known to be the headquarters of many Rebel Allaince space-oriented guilds, and why not? This can be customized to look like one, can fit enough people, and is bigger than the YT-1300 and the YT-2400 freighters. Note: This is the POB ship for the Rebel Alliance.

Pilot Abilities[]

The Rebel Alliance navy is a ragtag group of pilots who rely on a diverse fleet cobbled together from stolen, borrowed, or illegally purchased starfighters. Because the Rebels have worked so hard to build their fleet, Alliance commanders stress the importance of bringing back each starship intact. Thus, the abilities that Rebel pilots master include protective measures and tactics for increasing survival. Like their Imperial counterparts, Rebel flight officers can also call on allies.

Name Command Description Granted At
Jump Start 1 /jstart1 Expends the player's weapon capacitor charge to re-charge the targeted ship's shields. Special Abilities I
Jump Start 2 /jstart2 Expends the player's weapon capacitor and half of the player's shield energy to charge to re-charge the targeted ship's shields. Special Abilities III
Jump Start 3 /jstart3 Expends the player's weapon capacitor and 90% of the player's shield energy to charge to re-charge the targeted ship's shields. Alliance Ace Pilot
IFF Transponder Scramble /iffscramble Causes all aggressive NPC ships in the area to cease attacking the player. Alliance Recruit
Emergency Shields /eshields Causes the ship's shield system to regenerate at a vastly increased rate, at the expense of not being able to fire weapons. Special Abilities I
Ship System Emergency Repair /vrepair Repairs many of the ship's damaged components by slightly damaging others. Alliance Recruit
Emergency Repair Other Ship's System /vrepairother Repairs an allied ship's damaged components by slightly damaging your ship's components. Special Abilities IV
In Space Repair /inspacerepair Calls a repair ship to your current position to help fix damaged ship components. Special Abilities III
Underway Replenishment /inspacereload Calls an ordnance ship to your current position to reload your empty ordnance launchers. Special Abilities IV
Repair and Replenishment /inspacerr Calls an allied freighter to your current position to both repair your ship and reload your ordnance launchers. Alliance Ace Pilot

Droid Routines[]

Droid routine Data size Description Granted
Mute Droid 1 Keeps your droid or flight computer from making random noises or giving verbal feedback on commands. Alliance Starfighter Trainee
Emergency Shields Front 35 Transfers 75% of remaining capacitor energy and 75% of rear shield power to the front shield. Astromechs IV
Emergency Shields Back 35 Transfers 75% of remaining capacitor energy and 75% of front shield power to the rear shield. Astromechs IV
Shield Front Adjust - Light
Shield Front Adjust - Moderate
Shield Front Adjust - Heavy
Shield Front Adjust - Extreme
Redistributes shield generator to create stronger shields in front. Astromechs I
Astromechs II
Astromechs III
Astromechs IV
Shield Rear Adjust - Light
Shield Rear Adjust - Moderate
Shield Rear Adjust - Heavy
Shield Rear Adjust - Extreme
Redistributes shield generator to create stronger shields in rear. Astromechs I
Astromechs II
Astromechs III
Astromechs IV
Shield Front Reinforcement - Light
Shield Front Reinforcement - Moderate
Shield Front Reinforcement - Heavy
Shield Front Reinforcement - Extreme
Transfers stored energy from the rear shield to the front. Astromechs I
Astromechs II
Astromechs III
Astromechs IV
Shield Rear Reinforcement - Light
Shield Rear Reinforcement - Moderate
Shield Rear Reinforcement - Heavy
Shield Rear Reinforcement - Extreme
Transfers stored energy from the front shield to the rear. Astromechs I
Astromechs II
Astromechs III
Astromechs IV
Shield Normalization 5 Redistributes shields evenly to front and rear, undoing changes from the Shield Adjust routines. Astromechs I