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A Treasure map with a difficult level between 41-50. can be found Foraging or Fishing. Can have many different items in it, but any weapons levels will be between 41-50. (last fact on experience usually the level of the map is the level of the weapons you get.)

http://swg.wikia.com/index.php?title=A_map_to_a_Bounty_Hunter%27s_Hidden_Stash&action=edit&section=1 edit Testimonials[]

Please feel free to leave your testimony below, please keep it listed & feel free to give it a best out of five at the end.

  1. When I found the treasure, I was assaulted by three "Assassin" droids including I-G88, and got whooped. The treasure was still there when I went back though, but the guards were gone (Either they were gone, or they didn't spawn because I was using Force Cloak).
Anyway, I found a useless Blue Rug Thread-Seventh Section, a pretty sweet CL 50 E11 Carbine Mark II and CL 50 DE-10 Pistol Variant, a CL 40 Modified Scout Blaster, and a CL 41 Blastech Wristeck-Wrist Assault Booster Beta (Right) for the Bounty hunter profession. I also found a CL 50 Buffered Agile Chitin Armor Right Bracer of Marksmanship. Aside from the Blue Rug Thread, I got some pretty good weapons/equips (In my opinion, anyway. I was CL 46 when I got this treasure). It's worth it to go after this treasure, just watch out for those annoying droids.
2. Like the person above has stated the IG Droids that attack you are pretty tough because they are 3 levels higher than you and theres 3-2 of them. I've done 3 of these so far. The first one was absolutely horrible. It made me very sad. The second one was absolutely amazing! It contained the Commando and Smuggler Bracelets (My friend and I's professions!, no he was not with me), 2 other Misc. Items, and a Astromech Serving Droid Terminal! So that was very nice. The third one I went to was horrible, but... I found a jedi relic and a Sith Holocron 4/5 for Meditative Discipline! So these are not to be over looked, they are few helpful! Good Hunting out there!

http://swg.wikia.com/index.php?title=A_map_to_a_Bounty_Hunter%27s_Hidden_Stash&action=edit&section=2 edit More Information/Also See[]

For a treasure map leveling list and a complete guide on treasure hunting visit: Buried Treasure.
